Thursday, March 15, 2007


Lost a month's work by being a scatterbrain. I've been making notes in an old edition of The Book of Dreams as part of my revisions. Yesterday I took the book into Dublin with me (to work on the DART) and left it on a bench in St Stephen's Green. Ach, it was a sunny day, the flowers were blooming, the ducks gliding over the pond, and Finn and I were chatting away about the future. I must've put the book down and forgot to pick it up again. By the time I realised that I had lost it, the park was locked up for the night. Sigh. Back to the beginning. Meanwhile, for those of you who have read the old version, have a look at this website: Dana's daft aunties, Deirdre and Yvonne, are based on two of my artist sisters. Here you'll see that Dee is alive and well and making art indeed.

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